Acceptable Use Policy
Drug Policy Central ("DPC") was founded by DrugSense /MAP to support the efforts of those involved in global drug policy reform by providing affordable web and internet services. The purpose of this policy is to establish acceptable and unacceptable use of DPC resources in conjunction with promoting a culture of ethical and lawful behavior, openness, trust, and integrity. This Acceptable Use Policy (the "AUP") for Drug Policy Central services is designed to help protect DPC, DPC's clients, and the Internet community in general from irresponsible or, in some cases, illegal activities. The AUP is a non-exclusive list of the actions prohibited by Drug Policy Central. Drug Policy Central reserves the right to modify the AUP at any time. If You Do Not Wish To Be Bound By These Terms And Conditions, You Must Not Continue To Use The Service. Violation of these terms may result in the suspension or termination of the services. Mailing List Guidelines
Specifically Prohibited ActivitiesThe following activities are specifically prohibited on any DPC mailing list:
Mailing List Hosting General PolicyDPC mailing lists provide information and facilitate discussion of subjects pertinent to the DPC Mission Statement. DPC maintains mailing lists at its sole discretion and may create, modify, or remove a mailing list or change the subscriber requirements of its lists at any time. DPC may cancel a subscription if the individual or his/her organization no longer meets the list's posted subscription requirements. DPC provides email list and web management for scores of state and issue based drug policy groups and provides a pretty free reign to let organizations grow, communicate and accomplish their objectives on their own with little interference from us and hopefully some occasional valuable feedback from our staff. We do, however, have a couple of rules on all DPC lists that have served us quite well and have allowed us to become the largest provider of such services in the world. The number one rule is: "Praise in Public but Criticize in Private." No personal attacks on the list ever. If you absolutely must attack or criticize another reformer do so in private and preferably not at all. Finding ways to encourage and applaud the hard and often under appreciated work of other reformers is a much better use of anyone's time. Personal public attacks are nearly always ego driven and are exacerbated by the very fact that they are public. Personal disagreements nearly always subside or come to a reasonable conclusion (or at least an agreement to disagree) if kept one on one. Breaking that rule consistently is the only reason we have ever removed anyone from a list. We have done it quite rarely but we have done it and will do so again if necessary. Regardless of any individual's status or accomplishments, they are counter-productive to what we are all trying to accomplish if they refuse to follow the "Praise in Public but Criticize in Private" golden rule. We encourage anyone on any DPC supported list who feels someone to be consistently breaking that rule to let us know. We will try to address and resolve the matter. Infighting amongst ourselves is rarely useful or productive. It's a safe bet that all members of these lists are more or less working for the same objectives. Save your criticism and attacks for LTEs against bad drug laws. That would be our advice. Finally we have found that when our "blood is boiling" the best decision is to write a hostile post (if necessary) but try to religiously follow the rule that any message, written in anger, will never be sent out that same day. We usually find that, after sleeping on it, we either delete or tone down the message significantly. We're all doing important work. Let's concentrate on that. For more information on mailing list "netiquette," see RFC 1855 Netiquette Guidelines.
Web Site Hosting
Reporting Violations and EnforcementDPC reserves the right to maintain order and decorum on the mailing lists and Websites it manages, to include imposing disciplinary actions on individual mailing list subscribers and/or on clients. At its own discretion, DPC may take any one or more of the following actions in response to a reported violation or its own determination that a violation has occurred:
ProceduresDPC's decisions pursuant to this policy will be made by the DrugSense Executive Director. Whenever possible, the Executive Director will ask the DrugSense Board of Directors to review the proposed course of action to ensure the decision is sound and consistent with the described procedures. Community members may report to DPC what they believe to be a violation of this AUP by notifying Information provided should include the mailing list name, date of post, time of post, name of poster and subject header, and a reference to the reason why it is believed to violate this AUP. Reservation of RightsNotwithstanding anything in this policy, DPC specifically reserves the right to pursue any remedy in law or equity.
Privacy PolicyYour privacy is very important to us. Please review our Privacy Policy. See also the DrugSense/MAP Disclaimer. |