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Topic: various_drugs (9 articles)

Description: general terms for drugs

  • part of the drugs topic (9 articles)
  • recent news on the topic of $various_drugs
    (Sat Jan 9 19:50:40 PST 2021 )

      PHILIPPINES: Lawmakers raise 'shabu' case vs Paolo Duterte - Filipino Express, Inc
      filipinoexpress - To resign four months after he was linked to the smuggling of P6.4 billion worth of b shabub (crystal meth) through the Bureau of Customs. (Thu Jan 07 08:01:00 2021 PST)

      [2]: Ukraine seizes over 1 ton of heroin, arrests 4 - Xinhua -
      xinhuanet - (China) The narcotics were hidden in a food countainer. (Wed Jan 06 11:12:29 2021 PST)

      [2]: Indonesian police seize 28 kg of crystal meth from trafficker - Xinhua -
      xinhuanet - (China) Indonesian police have arrested a drug suspect and seized 28 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine in West Java province. (Tue Jan 05 23:12:40 2021 PST)

      [2]: UN warns of increasingly creative methamphetamine producers - Xinhua -
      xinhuanet - (China) Criminals are getting increasingly creative in producing crystal methamphetamine. (Tue Jan 05 23:12:30 2021 PST)

      FL: Family Radio - Hymns and Scripture to bring you Hope
      FL: Family Radio - Hymns and Scripture to bring you Hope - Dianne from Florida asks for your prayers. b Please pray for me and several friends and family with addictions to alcohol and drugs. Dianne from Florida asks for your prayers. b Please pray for me... (Tue Jan 05 19:12:13 2021 PST)

      OH: The Akron Legal News
      akronlegalnews - Family behind OxyContin attests to its role in opioid crisis Two members of the Sackler family have agreed to make a rare public appearance to take questions from a congressional committee that is investigating the role of the company they own. (Tue Jan 05 18:08:19 2021 PST)

      OH: The Akron Legal News
      akronlegalnews - Senate report: Opioid industry has paid advocacy groups $65M Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Wyden of Oregon found the contributions continued in recent years, even as the industry's practices and the toll of opioid addiction came under greater scrutiny. "When it comes to opioids, we need to make sure there is transparency and account... (Tue Jan 05 18:08:19 2021 PST)

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    Bot's analysis of: "The Dangers and Consequences of Marijuana Abuse" the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Demand Reduction Section, May 2014
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    As Bad For Your Lungs As Smoking 20 Normal Cigarettes? 20 times more likely to cause cancer than tobacco? Why does the US Government make cannabis researchers use only Government-issued marijuana?


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